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How to Tell if You Need Termite Treatment

HomeBlogHow to Tell if You Need Termite Treatment

When it comes to household pests, not all critters were created equal, as some are merely irritating while others pose a real threat to your home. For example, spiders–while disgusting and scary to many people–can’t actually damage your home’s structure, but insects like termites can. Our team at Downs Pest Control & Property Maintenance wants to help you keep your home safe from these damaging pests, and to do that, we have put together this brief guide on how to tell if you need termite treatment.

How to Tell if You Need Termite Treatment

  • Check for Discarded Wings. One clear sign of termite activity in your home is shed, fallen termite wings. Termites swarm from one nest to a new one using their wings, but once they arrive at their new location, they quickly shed them. This often leaves little piles of wings littered on the floor, so check for such piles if you are trying to figure out if you need termite treatment or not.
  • Look for Pellets. Pellets is another word for termite droppings, which are themselves another example of a sign that you need termite treatment for your home. These pellets often resemble small piles of salt or pepper on the floor.
  • Tap Your Wood. Lastly, if you are trying to determine whether you need termite treatment, you should tap on your wooden floors or furniture items and listen to the sound they make. If all your wood sounds solid, then you most likely don’t have termites. If the wood sounds hollow, you probably do, and in that case, you should call us as soon as possible.